3LPlace believes in lifelong learning.
Developmental disabilities are ongoing, lifelong challenges. Young adults need to develop capabilities that will help them in their transition to adulthood and beyond. People who are farther along in their lifespan will require other skills, insight and support.
For one individual, "learning" might involve a need for support in training for a career opportunity; for another, perhaps assistance in understanding and exercising his or her rights as a citizen. For a third person, it might involve learning how to maintain friendships, or to feel more comfortable in recreational activities. For many individuals, all of the above might apply.
We intersect with individuals with autism and a range of developmental disabilities at all stages of life.
In this section, accessible from the navigation menu on the left, you will find information about 3LPlace's learning modules, and what you can learn in them. We will also explain how to begin the application process, our funding options, and more about our philosophy of lifelong learning.
We offer transition services for young adults just launching their lives from their parents and schools. We offer customized programming for individuals who want to work, or participate in job training, higher education or community service.
The beginning point for learning at 3LPlace is our 3LPlace Curriculum, a comprehensive framework that enables educators and service providers to develop individualized goals, learning plans and supports for young adults with developmental disabilities. This unique project was developed in conjunction with Boston area universities and a team of leading disability experts and service providers. The curriculum is available without charge to families, schools and non-profit organizations.
Also available without charge is the 3LPlace Wiki, where you can find customizable lesson plans, social stories and other learning materials built on the 3LPlace curriculum model.
For more information about 3LPlace, you can call us at 617-764-3280, email us at info@3LPlace (DOT) org, or use this convenient form.