3LPlace is committed to linking constituents in the developmental disabilities community through both online and campus-based programs.
Constituents include maturing individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities, their families, their support teams (including schools,educators, doctors, therapeutic clinicians, coaches), local residents, local businesses, local public safety and recreation organizations, state and federal government agencies and policy-makers.
In this section, you will find the entire text of our 3LPlace Curriculum, which forms the basis for all our programming and which is available without charge for academic, educational or other nonprofit use. Also available without charge for your use is our 3LPlace Wiki, offering ready-to-use lesson plans, social scripts and other learning materials. Here too is our developing Resources section, where we plan to offer links to related materials that we have found useful at 3LPlace, as well as two short films that we found especially compelling on the current crisis in lifetime programming for adults.
Overall, we want to facilitate the sharing of:
- Education content that offers replicable models and tools to support individuals over the lifespan, including constantly evolving wiki-based lesson plans related to our 3LPlace Curriculum
- Social, emotional, recreational activities
- Vocational and recreational ideas and pursuits
- Public policy advocacy
- Ideas, stories, songs and pictures.
Of particular interest to us is the nationwide self-determination movement, which offers hope that people with developmental disabilities will be an integral part of the planning for their own future. In Massachusetts, this is most evident in the number of individuals/families that are choosing to self-direct their own programming under the provisions of the 2014 Real Lives Law. If you or your family would like to share your own experiences with self-direction, please contact jmallon@3Lplace (DOT) org.
We've had some exciting opportunities for collaboration and sharing recently, including hands-on music education visits from a Boston University-based Ethnomusicology group and a conversation with an African scholar who is also a Prince of Cameroon.
Please send comments, suggestions or items to share to: info@3LPlace.org