3LPlace wishes to gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support of the following individuals and organizations:
- Ellen Abdow
- Steven Achatz
- Karen and Thomas Allen
- John Alden Foundation
- Mark Archambault
- Heather and Ryan Arthurton
- Astra Foundation
- Robert Beckett
- Steven and Shaune Berg
- Steve and Elizabeth Beckhardt
- LJ Bilmes and JR Hakim
- Jon and Lilli Bosse
- Craig Boyajian
- Tracy Campion and Bernard Green
- Paul and Diane Centoletta
- Geoff and Jeanne Champion
- Steve Charkoudian
- Marilyn Fife and John Cragin
- Castanea Partners
- Cross Country Group
- Cummings Foundation, Inc.
- Cuong Do and Lori Rickles
- H. Eric Cushing Foundation in honor of Nancy Lurie Marks
- Khosrow and Janet Dabir-Alai
- Michael and Rhoda Danziger
- Frode Eilertsen
- Fernandez Family Foundation
- David and Deborah Flaschen
- Evan Flaschen
- Katherine Flaschen
- Flaschen Family
- The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism
- The Frame Gallery
- Laurie Gibson
- William and Lori Gibson
- Gibson Charity Trust
- Andrew Gilman and Dianne Rudo
- Global Giving Foundation
- Patricia Graham
- Grousbeck Giving
- Kevin and Donna Gruenich
- Nance Guilmartin
- Heather Hanson and Ryan Arthurson
- John and Susan Hansen-Flaschen
- Jim and Lisa Harris
- Mark and Marilyn Hausammann
- Kate and Cecyl Hobbs
- Tom and Nicole Hynes
- Erica Jen and George Zweig
- Jewish Family & Children's Service Inc.
- James and Lisa Kaufman
- Josh Linder
- Catherine Lyness
- Mark and Lisel Macenka
- Andrea and Michael MacGilpin
- Ellen Mahan
- Glenn and June Mallon
- Maureen Manning and Michael Walsh
- Margaritas Management Group, Inc.
- Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation
- Mary Beth Minton
- Shari Nethersole
- Dr. Reverend Barbara Nielson
- NKP Media, Inc.
- Nuveen Investments
- Akshay and Sarika Patel
- Gary Reed and Bonita Betters-Reed
- Jonathan and Sue Resnick
- Steve and Gerry Ricci
- Ricki and Joel Robinson
- Patricia and Patrice Rossi
- Sacco's Bowl Haven/The Flatbread Company
- Anjali Sastry and Mark O'Brien
- Tom and Kristen Scanlan
- Susan and James Schuh
- Susan Senator and Ned Batchelder
- Christopher and Angela Sinesi
- Staples Foundation
- Carl and Holly Hayes Stern
- David Stevens
- Eswar and Sugantha Sundar
- George and Sheryl Talbot
- Ramon Tasat
- TripAdvisor Foundation
- United Way of Massachusetts and Merrimack Valley
- Jack and Cathy Wallace
- John and Carol Withers
- Howard and Candice Wolk
- Sidney and Deanna Wolk Family
We are also grateful for the goods, services and advice provided by the following, and encourage you to give them your business when you can! They are good people and good friends to 3LPlace.
- Mark Archambault Construction Company
- Winter Hill Bank
- Audio Video Design
- Barrows The Window Shop
- Barry Libert
- Brookline Lock Company
- Carol Spitzer Landscape Design
- Clark, Hunt & Embry LLP
- Cooper Lighting
- Evolve Residential
- Ferguson
- Fifth House Public Relations
- Granite Brook Stone & Landscape Materials
- JD Auto
- Jeff Keilson
- Kohler
- Krokidas & Bluestein LLP
- Leonard, Mulherin & Greene PC
- Leone Landscaping
- Lowe's Home Improvement
- National Lumber
- Nilsson + Associates Architects
- Nolan, Sheehan & Patten LLP
- Payneless Flooring
- Quoizel
- Sue Resnick
- SalesForce
- Anthony Sillari
- Timmins Enterprises
- Tree Specialists
- Wolfers Lighting
- Yale Appliance + Lighting
- Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Furniture for 3LPlace was donated by:
- Joyce Flaschen
- David and Deborah Flaschen
- Joyce Fletcher
- Nancy Wiseman