Our Team
3LPlace’s team includes our multidisciplinary staff as well as a talented and committed group of other staff, and individuals contributing pro bono services.
Our senior staff:
Meghan Montgomery. Meghan is 3LPlace's Co-Exeutive Director, Clinical Director, and an Expressive Therapist. Meghan received her Master's degree in Expressive Art Therapy and Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University in 2012. She was an adjunct professor at Wheelock College before Wheelock's merger with Boston University. In addition Meghan has worked with individuals with a diagnosis of Down Syndrome, Global Developmental Delays, 17q21.31 Microdeletion Syndrome, Movement and TIC Disorders, Nonverbal Communication and Learning Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Sanfilipo Syndrome, Selective Mutism, and Sensory Processing Disorders. She guides and supervises individuals, families, and staff towards better practices for meaningfully educating, interacting, and including people with disabilities. Meghan taught a nationally recognized hybrid educational model for 4 years under the direct supervision and mentorship of Drs. Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder. Meghan’s previous educational background includes a BA in Studio Arts from the University of New Hampshire and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Using the arts and adventure as well as other sensory modalities—such as water— to connect with people of all backgrounds and abilities is Meghan’s professional underpinning and joy.
Cassy Wilson. Cassy is 3LPlace's Co-Executive Director. Cassy is an integral part of the 3LPlace team, with a wealth of experience in supporting individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. Initially joining as a senior developmental specialist, Cassy has since moved up to Co-Executive Director, combining nine years of operational experience with her direct work with autistic adults. Additionally, Cassy integrates her art therapy background into her work with the team.
Deborah Flaschen. Deborah is a founder of 3LPlace, and its Executive Chair. Deborah is a parent of a young man with developmental disabilities. Deborah has more than 30 years of high-level project management in private and public sectors: Senior Vice President, Investment Banking, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley (12 years); Founder, president, or chair of three autism-related nonprofit organizations, 1997 to present; and parent advocate for a child on autism spectrum for 26 years. Deborah earned her MBA in Finance from The Wharton School, and a BA from Tufts University.
Dr. Margaret Bauman. Dr. Bauman is Medical Director to 3LPlace.
A child neurologist, Dr. Bauman was for many years the Founding Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital LADDERS program in Lexington, a multidisciplinary program designed to evaluate, treat and advocate for children, adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum. Dr. Bauman is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at the Boston University School of Medicine where she continues her research on the underlying neurobiology of the autistic brain. She is also the Founder and Director of The Autism Research Foundation and the Autism Research Consortium, as well as the Medical Director of the Children’s Services Center at the Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation in Pomona, California, medical consultant to the Giant Steps School in Fairfield, Connecticut, and clinical specialist at the Integrated Center for Child Development in Newton, Massachusetts. Dr. Bauman has a growing number of patients who are reaching or have reached their late teens or have become young adults and who require appropriate housing, meaningful employment and opportunities to further their education. She looks forward to the continued development and growth of 3LPlace, which she believes is a critically needed program for this age group.
Abbey Craig. Abbey is a 3LPlace Occupational Therapist. Abbey is an occupational therapist who earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of New Hampshire, where she enjoyed close access to the mountains and the Seacoast. She has experience working in a variety of settings including a pediatric outpatient clinic, in-patient psychiatric units, and alternative education programs. She values supporting individuals through a multi-faceted, integrated lens to promote regulation, self-awareness, and self-efficacy. Guided by strengths-based intervention and a relationship-driven approach, Abbey aims to partner with individuals and support them in building meaningful, fulfilling lives.
Andrew Haan. Andrew is a 3LPlace Developmental Educator. Andrew recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development from Eckerd College with aspirations of establishing a career as an Occupational Therapist. Andrew’s passion for helping others started and evolved throughout summers during high school and college working as an adaptive water sports instructor with AccesSportAmerica. Implementing DIR Floortime, he developed a knack for this relationship-based approach while teaching windsurfing and other various water sports to children and young adults with varying abilities, primarily those on the spectrum. That passion carried Andrew throughout college through his work in assisting daily programming for neurodiverse artists at Creative Clay in St. Petersburg, FL, and as a Social Skills Camp Counselor at the Big Apple Day Program, a summer camp behavioral program in NYC for children ages five through twelve. Andrew brings his energy and positivity to the 3LPlace learning space, to help members with realizing their self-worth and potential in their communities.
Maggie Harrington. Maggie is a 3LPlace Developmental Educator and the Admissions Officer. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology & Human Development at Boston College. She then worked for four years with kids, teens, and adults with a wide range of disabilities before starting graduate school for Social Work at Boston University. When working with current and future members of 3LPlace, Maggie aims to highlight the strengths and passions individuals already possess in addition to getting to know their unique support needs. Maggie strives to consistently learn from fellow neurodiversity and disability justice advocates, and to put those lessons into practice. Outside of 3LPlace, you'll find her working on her most recent arts and crafts fixation, listening to too many romantic comedy audiobooks, or grooving at local folk music shows.
Jason Harmon. Jason is a 3LPlace Developmental Educator. After many years in the film and video industry, Jason returned to school to pursue social work. He got his BSW from Salem State and worked for five years at the Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery. He then got his MSW from Boston University, specializing in trauma therapy. Jason lives with his family in the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston.
Rebecca Sousa Becca is 3LPlace's Program Administrator and Bookkeeper. She comes with Program Coordinator/Management experience from MIT. She is currently working on an Associate of Science in Business Administration along with a Management Option. Before joining 3LPlace, Becca was a financial aid associate at a local technical school and when not at 3LPlace Becca is usually serving her local church by planning and coordinating events for major events. Becca currently resides in Arlington after moving from Brazil in 2017.
Caila Walsh. Caila comes to 3LPlace with a background in Speech Language Pathology. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science and Disability Studies from the University of Delaware, and returned back home for her Master's Degree in Speech Language Pathology from Boston University. Caila believes in supporting individuals to find their unique "voice" by honoring all forms of communication, whether that be spoken language, sign language, or AAC. Caila seeks to take a multi-disciplinary approach that is driven by member's interests and always encourages members to be strong self advocates in the community.
Consulting to 3LPlace:
Andrea MacGilpin. Andrea is a former clinical director at 3LPlace and continues to consult to the program.
Andrea received her Master's degree in Social Work from Columbia University. Prior to becoming the Clinical Director at New Canaan High Schools Alternative program, she was the Clinical Director at Links Academy, a 1:1 academic setting for high school students with a range of academic and social-emotional differences. Andrea has worked with a broad range of children, adolescents and young adults with autism and other neurodevelopment delays in schools and developmental settings. She helped develop the transitions program at Rebecca School in New York City, offering program support to students 14 to 21 years old, staff and parents. In addition Andrea developed social skills groups, peer programs, provided students with individual and group counseling and led parent and sibling groups. She is certified in DIR Floortime™, and is a CPI certified instructor.
Glenn Mallon. Glenn is 3LPlace Technology Lead.
A graduate of Newcastle College and Portsmouth University in England, Glenn joined 3LPlace in 2011 with the creation of the 3LPlace website. He is 3LPlace’s lead advisor on systems planning and installation. In his “day job,” Glenn is an IT Operations Specialist and coder for Harvard University.
Goodwin Procter LLP Intellectual property and human rights legal consultation.
Stephen Charkoudian, Esq.
Erin Claywell, Esq.
William Collins, Esq.
Martin Healy, Esq.
Julia Holczer, Esq.
Eric Labbe, Esq.
Mark Macenka, Esq.
Allyson Maur, Esq.
Michael K. Murray, Esq.
Jeffrey Simes, Esq.
Bruce Tribush, Esq.
David Zimmer, Esq.
Krokidas & Bluestein LLP Legal consultation on education and disability law.
Jennifer Gallop, Esq.
3LPlace Volunteers and Interns.
James McDonough
Charlie Nadeau
Anne Rossman
Megan Scully
Webteam. Website design and development.
June Peoples Mallon
Trevor Finney
Glenn Mallon