In seeking to develop best practices for lifespan support and learning, 3LPlace takes a collaborative approach, and that’s reflected in the relationships we have forged with educators, academics and agencies across the Greater Boston area and beyond. We’ve mentioned just a few of them below.
3LPlace has been collaborating with Tufts University’s Department of Occupational Therapy for a number of years on the development of our Curriculum. Now, we are excited to be working even closer with Tufts as OT graduate students participate in supervised fieldwork assignments as part of our program.
We are continuing to develop our collaboration with Lesley University. Lesley has a number of graduate programs that complement the activities at 3LPlace. The Expressive Therapies Programs (Art, Dance, Music, Drama) are particularly relevant for 3LPlace. Each of the Expressive Therapies Programs require their graduate students to engage in extended clinical fieldwork assignments, and we regularly host these interns at 3LPlace. Likewise, Lesley has several special education teacher training programs which increasingly are focusing on life skills and disability education.
We are intrigued by and supportive of the work that Dr. Jessica Kramer is doing at Boston University in developing tools to empower life choices for people with developmental disabilities, and Dr. Kramer has been generous with her time as a member of our Board of Advisors.
Our clinical director, Meghan Montgomery, taught a special education course at Wheelock College as an adjunct faculty member, and 3LPlace members have participated in her course as well.
3LPlace is collaborating with The Arc of Massachusetts and with Advocates for Autism of Massachusetts on the critically important issue of making sure that Massachusetts families are able to self-direct their programming as provided in the Real Lives Law passed by the state Legislature in 2014.
Our members have also been enjoying the opportunity to build relationships with graduate students in the MGH Institute of Health Professions' Best Buddies program.
We’ve relied on a number of other collaborations as we worked to secure state certification of 3LPlace. They have included Advocates, Inc.; HMEA, Inc.; Nashoba Learning Group; and Jewish Family & Children's Service, and we gratefully acknowledge their assistance and support.