3LPlace Good Neighbor Agreement
We know the importance of establishing and maintaining positive relationships with neighbors. We seek an opportunity for our members to become a part of the community. We selected Somerville for 3LPlace because we love this diverse, friendly community, and we know that becoming a member of a community is a social compact. Our neighbors hold us (our staff and our members) accountable to certain standards of behavior, just as we expect the same from our neighbors.
We, the cosigners of this "Good Neighbor Agreement," affirm our shared commitment and responsibility to uphold community values and standards in Somerville.
We will operate premises that are well-maintained, presentable and in keeping with community standards for landscaping, painting, and trash disposal. We will strive to maintain and even enhance the positive character of the community.
We will expect everyone at 3LPlace to show respect for their neighbors by obeying all laws and community standards and to endeavor to take neighbors' individual needs into consideration, as would be expected of any neighbor.
We will welcome discussion, and respond quickly to any questions or concerns from neighbors. We will provide contact information whenever requested, so neighbors know who to call. We will strive to ensure that individuals providing support in the home will focus on the safety and well-being of everyone in the community.
We will welcome opportunities for neighbors to get to know our members and staff as they would other neighbors, for example, while attending a neighborhood event, doing yard work, or enjoying a break on the porch.
In turn, we ask our neighbors to welcome us as they would other neighbors, let us know directly and promptly of any questions or concerns, and understand and respect our members’ needs for privacy and confidentiality of personal health information.
Additional co-signers are welcome. Please email June Peoples Mallon, 3LPlace Director of Communications, at jmallon [at] 3LPlace.org.
Adapted with permission from Fairfax County, Virginia GNA